Global Health is Advancing. Why Are We Still Unhealthy?

by | Aug 14, 2024 | Life, Lifestyle, Men's Health, Mental Health, News & Press, Nutrition, Women's Health | 0 comments

The alarming increase in disease and death have been ringing in my ear and heart for awhile. The intensity has grown as 2024 continues to unfold.

We are hearing news about people around us dealing with, struggling with or succumbing to a diagnosis.

Cancer, stroke, heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases are plaguing almost 1.8 million adults. That number does not include those who have fallen to the diseases.

How is this? The globe is living in the most informed of times. There are technological advancements and medical break throughs happening like clockwork. Even the contributions of Ai are said to be a vital tool in medical methodologies.

What is really going on?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “too much of a good thing?”

We’ve got a good thing; a health conscious culture. We are processing over 74 gigabytes of information daily. We are spending money on gym memberships, wellness tech apps, fitness programs, detox teas and more.

The wellness industry is absolutely booming in terms of sales, but something is still awry. Stagnant. Unfulfilled. Severly failing.

Research Says

A study from World Health Organisation (WHO) researchers plus academics found physical inactivity globally had risen by about five percentage points between 2010 and 2022.

Overall, nearly a third of adults (31%) around the world do not exercise enough, up from 23% (900 million people) in 2000 and 26% in 2010.

If current trends continue, experts predict that by 2030, some 35% of people will not be doing enough exercise.

Research shows that a lack of exercise increases the risk of heart disease, strokes, type 2 diabetes, dementia and cancers such as breast and bowel.

Where’s the Disconnect?

Research is indicating although there are new developments in living healthier lifestyles there is still an apathy in many. The apathetic percentage is enough to demonstrate a stagnate climb in our overall well-being globally.

A lot of access also lends to excessive leisure.

Large groups of humans are opting to monitor health via devices rather than participating in physically active things.

Our Warning

A study published in The Lancet Global Health journal, warned the world is currently off track from meeting a global target to reduce physical inactivity by 2030.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general, said: “These new findings highlight a lost opportunity to reduce cancer, heart disease and improve mental well-being through increased physical activity.

The Hard Truth

The holistic truth is that our quality of life is determined by our totality. Everything we do, think, act upon and create as habit and behavior determines our quality of life.

How many hours are you sitting a day? How often is your heartrate elevated due to physical movement?

What health-related episodes have you experienced that can be eliminated or managed by a few changes in daily habits?

The hard truth is that many are slowly killing themselves. A refusal to adopt new disciplines can result in the uprise of cardiovascular disease, poor metabolic health, stroke, diabetes and various types of cancers.

This is not a campaign to go extreme; to persuade you to remove meat or relocate to the mountains. This is a warning that it is time to make some sersious decisions essential to your livelihood.

Focus the Lens

Life is not just about making the years you live it is the way you are able to live.

Diseases like alzheimers and dementia are also spiking due to poor lifestyle which also includes mental health.

You’ve heard stress is a silent killer but you may be putting off decisions that would help you eliminate stress.

Have you set boundaries in your life? Are you creating habits that help balance the demand of work and home?

Our mission to help the masses be well and whole is expansive. Wellness is a system of tools that you adopt in life; as you age, evolve and mature.

Set the Clock

It is time. No matter your condition; able-bodied, handicapped/disabled. It is time to find ways to live healthier.

There is always a way. It may require community support, professional support or one good friend to give you that push.

The clock is ticking for all of us and we have some decisions to make.

The underlining theme for the studies shared above were largely due to inactivity.

It. Is. Time. To. Move.

In Closing

Let’s work to turn these numbers around and have a healthier world by 2030.

It is a poor testament to life to acquire wealth and material things but suffer within the temple.


Live. Age. Be. Well + Whole


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